Friday, August 16, 2013

Top 10 Most Expensive Military Planes

F/A-18 Hornet

10. F/A-18 Hornet: $94 million
First entering service in the 1980s, the twin-engine fighter plane was the U.S.'s first strike fighter — an aircraft capable of attacking both ground and aerial targets. It has seen action in Operation Desert Storm and as the aircraft of the Navy's Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron. The F/A-18 is also used by Canada, Australia, Finland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Spain and Switzerland.

EA-18G Growler

9. EA-18G Growler: $102 million
Hot off the presses, the Growler is a lightly armed version of the F/A-18 fighter that has been updated for electronic warfare (it is currently being delivered to the Navy). Growlers are capable of not only finding and disrupting anti-aircraft radar, but also jamming enemy communications.

V-22 Osprey

8. V-22 Osprey: $118 million
This tiltrotor aircraft, which takes off and lands like a helicopter but can fly faster and farther like a fixed-wing plane, was first used in combat in Iraq in 2007. The Osprey's production has been bedeviled by design and construction problems: the craft claimed the lives of at least 30 Marines and civilians during its development alone (former Vice President Dick Cheney tried repeatedly to ground the plane). Still, because of its range and versatility, the Marine Corps plans to deploy a squadron of V-22s to Afghanistan by the end of the year.

F-35 Lightning II

7. F-35 Lightning II: $122 million
Lockheed Martin's 2001 deal to build these stealth, supersonic fighter jets was at the time the largest military contract ever. The F-35s, intended to replace an aging aircraft arsenal, were developed as part of a Joint Strike Fighter program between the U.S. and its allies and were criticized as underpowered and overweight — and therefore easy targets. Making matters worse, from 2007 to 2008, cyberspies infiltrated the 7.5 million lines of computer code that powered the Joint Strike Fighter, raising concerns that enemies could copy the F-35's design and exploit its weaknesses. In April 2009, Lockheed Martin said it did not believe the program had been compromised.

E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

6. E-2D Advanced Hawkeye: $232 million
A major step forward for surveillance and reconnaissance, the Advanced Hawkeye's powerful new radar system will increase the range of territory an aircraft can monitor by 300%. "It can probably watch the pistachios pop in Iran," an analyst for the think tank Lexington Institute told National Defense in July. Though development of the plane is on track and two test versions have been delivered to the Navy, budget cuts may keep the planes grounded for at least a year longer than planned.

VH-71 Kestrel

5. VH-71 Kestrel: $241 million
This high-tech helicopter project, intended to replace the President's aging chopper fleet, was running more than 50% over budget by the time Barack Obama took office. Soon after his Inauguration, the President announced plans to scrap the helicopters because of cost overruns. On July 22, however, the House Appropriations Committee unanimously approved restoring $485 million to fund the Kestrels.

P-8A Poseidon

4. P-8A Poseidon: $290 million
Boeing's spruced-up military version of its 737 jet will be used by the Navy to conduct anti-submarine warfare and gather intelligence. It can carry torpedoes, missiles, depth charges and other weapons. The P-8A is expected to go into service in 2013.

C17A Globemaster III

3. C17A Globemaster III: $328 million
The Air Force military-transport plane is used to move troops into war zones, perform medical evacuations and conduct airdrop missions. There are 190 C17As in service; the aircraft is propelled by four turbofan engines (of the same type used on the twin-engine Boeing 757) and can drop 102 paratroopers at once. In operation since 1993, it has been used to deliver troops and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and Iraq.

F-22 Raptor

2. F-22 Raptor: $350 million
First conceived during the Cold War as an airframe to vie with Soviet aircraft that was never built, the F-22 is touted by manufacturer Lockheed Martin as the best overall combat plane in the world — not to mention the most expensive. It can shoot down enemy cruise missiles, fly long distances at supersonic speeds and avoid nearly all types of radar detection. But the Senate debate over whether to build seven more — at a taxpayer cost of $1.67 billion — eventually came down to the plane's job-creating abilities. The axed project would have employed 25,000 Americans.

B-2 Spirit

1. B-2 Spirit: $2.4 billion
The B-2 bomber was so costly that Congress cut its initial 1987 purchase order from 132 to 21. (A 2008 crash leaves the current number at 20.) The B-2 is hard to detect via infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual or radar signals. This stealth capability makes it able to attack enemy targets with less fear of retaliation. In use since 1993, the B-2 has been deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Access 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are the Access 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts

Using the Navigation Pane

Down arrow Move to the next object.
Up arrow Move the previous object.
End Move to the last object.
Home Move to the first object.
Enter Open the selected object.
Ctrl+Enter Open the selected object in Design view.
F2 Rename the selected object.
F11 Hide or show the Navigation pane.

Navigating in Datasheet View

Tab or right arrow Move to the next field to the right, or to the first field of the next record if you’re in the last field of a record.
Shift+Tab or left arrow Move to the previous field to the left, or to the last field (the Add New Field column) of the previous record if you’re in the first field of a record.
Ctrl+Right arrow Move to the next word in the current field if the cursor is in the field.
Ctrl+Left arrow Move to the previous word in the current field if the cursor is in the field.
Home Move to the first field or move to the beginning of the current field if the cursor is in the field.
End Move to the last field (Add New Field) or move to the end of the current field if the cursor is in the field.
Up arrow Move to the current field in the previous record.
Down arrow Move to the current field in the next record.
Ctrl+Up arrow Move to the current field in the first record.
Ctrl+Down arrow Move to the current field in the last record.
Ctrl+Home Move to the first field of the first record.
Ctrl+End Move to the last field of the last record.
Alt+F5 Activate the Record Number box. To navigate to a specific record, type the record number and press Enter.
Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow Display the subdatasheet associated with the current record.
Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow Hide the subdatasheet associated with the current record.

Selecting Data in Datasheet View

F8 Extend the selection to the current word, all the text in the current field, the current field, the current record, and then all records.
Shift+F8 Collapse the selection to the current record, the text in the current records, and then the current word.
Shift+arrow keys Extend the current selection in the arrow key direction.
Shift+Spacebar Select the current record. (Press Shift+Spacebar again to select the first field in the current record.)
Ctrl+Spacebar Select the current field. (Press Ctrl+Spacebar again to select the first item in the current field.)
Ctrl+Shift+F8 Enter Move mode, which enables you to move the selected column left or right by pressing left arrow or right arrow. Press Esc to exit Move mode.
Ctrl+A Select all records.

Editing Data in Datasheet View

F2 Edit the current cell.
Shift+F2 Display the contents of the current field in the Zoom dialog box.
F9 Refresh the contents of a lookup field.
Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar Insert the default value for the field.
Ctrl+; Insert the current date.
Ctrl+: Insert the current time.
Ctrl+’ Copy the contents from the field directly above the current field.
Ctrl++ Add a new record.
Ctrl+- Delete the current record.
Ctrl+Enter Start a new line in a multiline field.
Shift+Enter Save changes to the current record.
Esc Undo the changes in the current field. Press Esc again to undo all changes to the current record.

Navigating in Form View

Tab or right arrow Move to the next field to the right or to the first field of the next record if you’re in the last field of a record.
Shift+Tab or left arrow Move to the previous field to the left or to the last field of the previous record if you’re in the first field of a record.
Ctrl+Right arrow Move to the next word in the current field if the cursor is in the field.
Ctrl+Left arrow Move to the previous word in the current field if the cursor is in the field.
Home Move to the first field or move to the beginning of the current field if the cursor is in the field.
End Move to the last field or move to the end of the current field if the cursor is in the field.
Ctrl+Up arrow Move to the current field in the first record.
Ctrl+Down arrow Move to the current field in the last record.
Ctrl+Page Up Move to the current field in the previous record.
Ctrl+Page Down Move to the current field in the next record.
Ctrl+Home Move to the first field of the first record.
Ctrl+End Move to the last field of the last record.
Alt+F5 Activate the Record Number box. To navigate to a specific record, type the record number and press Enter.

Working in Design View

F4 or Alt+Enter Toggle the Property Sheet pane for the current object on and off.
F5 Switch to Form view (from the form Design view).
F7 Display the Choose Builder dialog box. If the object already has code associated with it, pressing F7 displays the code.
Alt+F8 Toggle the Field List pane on and off.
Arrow keys Move the selected control in the arrow key direction.
Ctrl+arrow keys Move the selected control one pixel in the arrow key direction.
Shift+right arrow Increase the width of the selected control.
Shift+down arrow Increase the height of the selected control.
Shift+left arrow Decrease the width of the selected control.
Shift+up arrow Decrease the height of the selected control.

Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus by Paul McFedries

Outlook 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are the Outlook 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts.

Switching Folders

Ctrl+1 Switch to the Mail folder.
Ctrl+Shift+I Switch to the Inbox in the Mail folder.
Ctrl+Shift+O Switch to the Outbox in the Mail folder.
Ctrl+2 Switch to the Calendar folder.
Ctrl+3 Switch to the Contacts folder.
Ctrl+4 Switch to the Tasks folder.
Ctrl+5 Switch to the Notes folder.
Ctrl+6 Switch to the Folder List.
Ctrl+7 Switch to the Shortcuts folder.
Ctrl+8 Switch to the Journal folder.
Ctrl+Y Open the Go to Folder dialog box.

Creating New Items

Ctrl+N Create a new item in the current folder.
Ctrl+Shift+A Create a new appointment.
Ctrl+Shift+C Create a new contact.
Ctrl+Shift+E Create a new folder.
Ctrl+Shift+J Create a new journal entry.
Ctrl+Shift+K Create a new task.
Ctrl+Shift+L Create a new distribution list.
Ctrl+Shift+M Create a new e-mail message.
Ctrl+Shift+N Create a new note
Ctrl+Shift+P Create a new search folder.
Ctrl+Shift+Q Create a new meeting request.
Ctrl+Shift+S Create a new post in the current mail folder.
Ctrl+Shift+T Display the Choose InfoPath Form dialog box.
Ctrl+Shift+U Create a new task request.
Ctrl+Shift+X Create a new Internet fax.

Working with E-mail Messages

Enter Open the current message.
Alt+down arrow Display the next message (in the mail folder).
Alt+up arrow Display the previous message (in the mail folder).
Ctrl+> or Ctrl+. Display the next message (with the current message open in a window).
Ctrl+< or Ctrl+, Display the previous message (with the current message open in a window).
Ctrl+< or Ctrl+, Display the previous message (with the current message open in a window).
Spacebar Display the next screen of message text in the Reading pane.
Shift+Spacebar Display the previous screen of message text in the Reading pane.
Ctrl+D Delete the current message.
Ctrl+F Forward the current message.
Ctrl+Alt+F Forward the current message as an attachment.
Ctrl+R Reply to the sender of the current message.
Ctrl+Shift+R Reply to the sender and all recipients of the current message.
Ctrl+Alt+J Mark a message as not junk (in the Junk E-mail folder).
Ctrl+Q Mark the current message as read.
Ctrl+U Mark the current message as unread.
Ctrl+Shift+G Flag the current message for follow-up.
Insert Apply a Quick Flag to the current message.
Ctrl+Shift+V Move the current message to another folder.
Ctrl+Shift+W Select the Information bar and display its list of commands.
Ctrl+A Select all the messages in the current folder.
F9 Send and receive messages on all e-mail accounts.
Ctrl+Alt+S Open the Send/Receive Groups dialog box.
Ctrl+Alt+M Mark the current message header for downloading.
Ctrl+Alt+U Unmark all message headers selected for downloading.
Ctrl+K Check the validity of addresses (when composing a new mail message).
Alt+S Send the message (when composing a new mail message).

Working with Appointments

Ctrl+< Move to the previous appointment.
Ctrl+> Move to the next appointment.
Ctrl+Alt+1 Switch to Day view.
Ctrl+Alt+2 Switch to Work Week view.
Ctrl+Alt+3 Switch to Week view.
Ctrl+Alt+4 Switch to Month view.
Ctrl+G Open the Go To Date dialog box.
Ctrl+G Set the appointment recurrence (when an appointment window is open)
Ctrl+n Display n days in the calendar (where n is a number between 0 and 9; use 0 to display 10 days).
Ctrl+right arrow Move to the next day.
Ctrl+left arrow Move to the previous day.
Alt+down arrow Move to the same day in the next week.
Alt+up arrow Move to the same day in the previous week.
Alt+Page Down Move to the same day in the next month.
Alt+Page Up Move to the same day in the previous month.
Alt+Home Move to the start of the current week.
Alt+End Move to the end of the current week.

Working with Contacts

Alt+Shift+1 Alt+Shift+2 Alt+Shift+3
Shift+character Move to the first contact with a name that begins with character (you must be in a table or list view).
Ctrl+F Send the current contact in Outlook format via e-mail.
Ctrl+Shift+D Open the New Call dialog box.
Ctrl+Shift+X Display the current contact’s Web site.
F11 Activate the Search Address Books text box.
Alt+D Open the Check Address dialog box (in a contact window).
Display the contact’s main e-mail address (in a contact window).
Display the contact’s second e-mail address (in a contact window).
Display the contact’s third e-mail address (in a contact window).


Ctrl+E or F3 Activate the Instant Search box.
Ctrl+Alt+A Search all items in the current folder.
Ctrl+Alt+K Run a Windows desktop search.
Ctrl+Alt+W Toggle the Query Builder on and off.
Ctrl+Shift+F Open the Advanced Find dialog box.
Esc Clear the search results.


Alt+F1 Cycle the Navigation pane between on, minimized, and off.
Alt+F2 Cycle the To-Do Bar between on, minimized, and off.
Ctrl+Shift+F8 Display the Address Book window.
Ctrl+Shift+Y Copy the current item to another folder.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

PowerPoint 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are the PowerPoint 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts.

Navigating a Slide

Ctrl+Right arrow Move to the next word.
Ctrl+Left arrow Move to the previous word.
End Move to the end of the current line.
Home Move to the start of the current line.
Ctrl+Down arrow Move to the start of the next paragraph.
Ctrl+Up arrow Move to the start of the previous paragraph.
Ctrl+End Move to the end of the current placeholder.
Ctrl+Home Move to the start of the current placeholder.
Ctrl+Enter Move to the next placeholder. If the cursor is in the current slide’s last placeholder, pressing Ctrl+Enter inserts a new slide with the same layout as the current slide.

Selecting Data

Shift+navigation key Move the cursor as dictated by the navigation key (see “Navigating a Slide”) and also extends the current selection to that point.
Tab Select the next slide placeholder (another object on the slide must first be selected).
Shift+Tab Select the previous slide placeholder (another object on the slide must first be selected).
Enter Select all the text in a placeholder when the placeholder is selected.
Esc Select a placeholder when the cursor is inside the placeholder.
Ctrl+A (placeholder) Select all the text in a placeholder when the cursor is inside that placeholder.
Ctrl+A (Slides tab) Select all the objects in the presentation.
Ctrl+A (Outline tab) Select all the text in the presentation.
Ctrl+A (Slide Sorter) Select all the slides in the presentation.

Formatting Text

Shift+F3 Cycle the case of the current word or selection through UPPERCASE, lowercase, and Title Case.
Ctrl+= Apply subscript to the selected text.
Ctrl++ Apply superscript to the selected text.
Ctrl+> Apply the next highest font size to the selected text.
Ctrl+] Grow the font size of the selected text by one point.
Ctrl+< Apply the next lowest font size to the selected text.
Ctrl+[ Shrink the font size of the selected text by one point.
Ctrl+Shift+F Display the Font dialog box with Font selected.
Ctrl+L Apply Align Left to the selected text.
Ctrl+E Apply Center to the selected text.
Ctrl+R Apply Align Right to the selected text.
Ctrl+J Apply Justify to the selected text.
Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Shift+Z Clear the character formatting of the selected text.

Editing a Presentation

Tab Demote the current paragraph.
Shift+Tab Promote the current paragraph.
Alt+Shift+up arrow Move the current paragraph up.
Alt+Shift+down arrow Move the current paragraph down.
Ctrl+D Duplicate the current object.
Ctrl+M Insert a new slide using the default layout.
Ctrl+Shift+M Insert a new slide using the same layout as the most recently inserted slide.

Controlling the Outline

Alt+Shift+1 Show only the slide titles.
Alt+Shift+A Show all outline text.
Alt+Shift++ Expand the current outline item.
Alt+Shift+– Collapse the current outline item.
Alt+F9 Toggle the drawing guides on and off.
Shift+F9 Toggle the grid on and off.
F5 Switch to Slide Show view and start the current presentation from the first slide.

Controlling a Slide Show

N Advance to the next slide or run the next animation. PowerPoint also supports the following keys for this task: Spacebar, Enter, right arrow, down arrow, or Page Down.
PReturn to the previous slide or reverse the most recent animation. PowerPoint also supports the following keys for this task: Backspace, left arrow, up arrow, or Page Up.
n, Enter Jump to slide number n.
S or + Pause or resume an automatic slide show.
B or . Toggle the black screen on and off.
W or , Toggle the white screen on and off.
A Toggle the mouse pointer and slide show navigation tools on and off.
Ctrl+A Change the mouse pointer to an arrow if the mouse is currently displayed as a pen or eraser.
Ctrl+P Change the mouse pointer to a pen.
E Erase ink annotations.
H Display the next slide, if that slide is hidden.
Ctrl+T Display the Windows taskbar.
Esc End the slide show. PowerPoint also ends the slide show if you press hyphen [-] or Ctrl+Break.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Excel 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are the Excel 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts.

Navigating a Document

Arrow keys Move left, right, up, or down one cell.
Home Move to the beginning of the row.
Page Down Move down one screen.
Page Up Move up one screen.
Alt+Page Down Move one screen to the right.
Alt+Page Up Move one screen to the left.
Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of the worksheet.
Ctrl+End Move to the bottom, right corner of the used portion of the worksheet.
Ctrl+arrow keys Move in the direction of the arrow to the next nonblank cell if the current cell is blank or to the last nonblank cell if the current cell isnonblank.
Ctrl+Backspace Scroll the worksheet to bring the active cell of the current selection into view.
F5 or Ctrl+G Open the Go To dialog box.
Ctrl+Page Up Move to the previous worksheet.
Ctrl+Page Down Move to the next worksheet.

Selecting Data

Shift+navigation key Move the active cell as dictated by the navigation key (see “Navigating a Worksheet”) and also extend the current selection to that point.
Ctrl+* Select the rectangular area that includes every cell adjacent to the current cell.
Ctrl+Spacebar Select the entire column (or columns) that contains the active cell (or cells).
Shift+Spacebar Select the entire row (or rows) that contains the active cell (or cells).
F8 Toggle extend mode on and off. (When extend mode is on, use the navigation keys to extend the selection.)
Shift+F8 Toggle add mode on and off. (When add mode is on, select a cell or range to add it to the current selection.)
Ctrl+Shift+O Select all the cells in the current worksheet that contain comments.
Ctrl+/ Select the array containing the active cell.
Ctrl+\ Select the cells that don’t match the active cell in the current horizontal selection.
Ctrl+| Select the cells that don’t match the active cell in the current vertical selection.
Ctrl+[ Select the cells directly referenced by the formula in the active cell.
Ctrl+{ Select the cells directly or indirectly referenced by the formula in the active cell.
Ctrl+] Select the cells with formulas that directly reference the active cell.
Ctrl+} Select the cells with formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell.
Ctrl+A Select the rectangular area that includes every cell adjacent to the active cell.
Press Ctrl+A again to select the entire worksheet.B

Moving the Active Cell in a Selection

Enter Move the active cell down rows and left-to-right across columns.
Shift+Enter Move the active cell up rows and right-to-left across columns.
Tab Move the active cell left-to-right across columns and down rows.
Shift+Tab Move the active cell right-to-left across columns and up rows.
Ctrl+. Move the active cell clockwise from corner to corner.
Ctrl+Alt+right arrow Move the active cell to the next noncontiguous selection to the right.
Ctrl+Alt+left arrow Move the active cell to the next noncontiguous selection to the left.

Editing a Worksheet

F2 Edit the active cell.
Shift+F2 Insert or edit a comment in the active cell.
Alt+= Enter an AutoSum formula into the current cell.
Alt+Enter Insert a carriage return in a cell formatted with wrapped text.
Ctrl+Enter Fill the selected cells with the contents of the Formula Bar.
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Enter the contents of the Formula Bar into the current cell as an array formula.
Ctrl+Shift+U Toggle the expanded version of the Formula Bar on and off.
Ctrl+` Toggle the worksheet between showing formulas and cell values.
Ctrl++ Insert an entire row or column before the currently selected row or column.
Ctrl+– Delete the currently selected row or column.
Ctrl+; Insert the current date.
Ctrl+: Insert the current time.
Ctrl+’ Copy the contents from the cell directly above the current cell.
Ctrl+” Copy the value of the cell directly above the current cell.
Ctrl+< Copy the contents from the cell directly above the current cell and adjust cell references.
Ctrl+> Copy the contents from the cell directly to the left of the current cell and adjust cell references.
Ctrl+A Open the Function Arguments for the current function (place the cursor to the right of the function name before pressing Ctrl+A).
Ctrl+Shift+A Insert a function’s arguments into the current cell (place the cursor to the right of the function name before pressing Ctrl+Shift+A).
Ctrl+D Fill the contents and formatting of the topmost cell in the current vertical selection down to the rest of the cells in the selection.
Ctrl+R Fill the contents and formatting of the leftmost cell in the current horizontal selection right to the rest of the cells in the selection.
Ctrl+T Open the Create Table dialog box.
F3 Open the Paste Names dialog box.
Shift+F3 Open the Insert Function dialog box.
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Open the Create Names from Selection dialog box.
Shift+F11 Insert a new worksheet.
F11 Insert a new chart sheet and create a chart from the current selection.

Formatting Text

Ctrl+1 Open the Format Cells dialog box with the most recently used tab displayed.
Ctrl+5 Apply strikethrough to the current selection.
Ctrl+6 Toggle objects on and off.
Ctrl+8 Toggle outlining symbols on and off.
Ctrl+9 Hide the row or rows containing the current selection.
Ctrl+( Unhide any rows that lie in the current selection.
Ctrl+0 Hide the column or columns containing the current selection.
Ctrl+) Unhide any columns that lie within the current selection.
Ctrl+& Apply an outline border to the selection.
Ctrl+_ Remove an outline border from the selection.
Alt+’ Open the Style dialog box.
Alt+Shift+right arrow Group the selected rows or columns for an outline.
Alt+Shift+left arrow Ungroup the selected rows or columns for an outline.
Ctrl+Shift+F Open the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab displayed.
Ctrl+Shift+D Apply double underline to the current selection.
Ctrl+5 Apply strikethrough to the current selection.
Ctrl+~ Apply the General format to the current selection.
Ctrl+! Apply the Number format (two decimal places; using thousands separator) to the current selection.
Ctrl+$ Apply the Currency format (two decimal places; using dollar sign; negative numbers surrounded by parentheses) to the current selection.
Ctrl+% Apply the Percentage format (zero decimal places) to the current selection.
Ctrl+^ Apply the Scientific format (two decimal places) to the current selection.
Ctrl+# Apply the Date format (d-mmm-yy) to the current selection.
Ctrl+@ Apply the Time format (h:mm AM/PM) to the current selection.

Working with Workbooks and Windows

F9 Recalculate all open workbooks.
Shift+F9 Recalculate the active worksheet.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 Recalculate all open workbooks, even formulas that are unchanged since the previous calculation.
Ctrl+F9 Minimize the current window.
Ctrl+F5 Restore the current window.